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QMV cards

Maps Properties, Style Download packages


The compiler is available from QVX

OSM-Pbf files are available from Geofrabik and BBBike.

Tools - Create new QMV and then select one or more pbf files:

Set parameters and click Start:

Compiling can take a very long time, from a few minutes to several hours. You can minimize the window and continue working with QVX in that time.

After completion the info dialog opens and you can save the finished Qmv map in the desired map table. By default the active map table is selected.

Own tagmappings and render themes

TMs and RTs are XML files that determine how accurately the map should be created at compile time. A standard Rt/Tm is included, but if you like and know how to do it, you can create your own Rts/Tms.

QVX looks for Rts/Tms in the QVX_Data\Renderthemes folder. For your own creations, please create a new folder there, in which you will place your xml and pngs. QVX will find them there.

QMV expert mode

Activate in Settings - Map - Map Style.

If active, an edit button appears in the QMV compiler next to the selection for tagmapping and render themes, which opens the selected file in an external editor. To do this, you must have linked an editor of your choice in Windows or macOS with the type XML.

You can also use the QMV expert mode for finished QMV files:

- adjust the render theme afterwards. In the style of the map you will then find an edit and a reload button.

- in a loaded map much more information about all ways and pois is displayed in the tooltip and info, which can help to optimize the Rts and Tms.

- in the dashboard panel “Camera” you see three more values:
ways: the currently loaded number of ways
pois: the currently loaded number of pois
tex: based on the current render theme the number of icon graphics and labels\

The higher these values, the worse the performance in mapwindow.

For these adjustments, knowledge of the structure of OSM is required, especially the tag values. An introduction to this 22222 see here:

en/75_createownmaps/30_qmv.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/26 12:59 (external edit)