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Print map

To print a map section with routes, tracks and waypoints to scale on a printer, select Print map from the planning menu or the toolbar.

  • Under Output set Printer.
  • Under Settings select the desired printer and paper size.
  • Under Map section you set what you want to print:
  • the Current map section in the map window or
  • A map section that includes the objects selected in PM.
  • Click Create print area if you have changed section or selection to create the print pages.
  • Under Size you set the desired scale
  • Automatically, then everything is adjusted to one page
  • Or any scale from the list, then QVX will calculate how many pages are needed.
  • Resolution can be Low, Normal or High. At low resolution you have larger fonts and a better readable map, but less detail than at high resolution, where the font can be quite small.
  • With poi and line factor you can adjust the size of the symbols and the width of the lines.

In the preview you can see an example of how the parameters work.

Every change to these parameters updates the page calculation and draws the pages into the map:

You can still fine-tune the pages in the map by moving them or deleting unneeded pages. To do this, move the mouse over a page and open the context menu.

If everything fits, click Start and the pages are sent to the printer:

en/47_printing/10_printmaps.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/26 12:59 (external edit)