QVX only runs with 64 bit-Windows. Recommended is a current Windows 10/64. However, if the requirements are met, QVX also runs with Windows 8/64 and Windows 7/64. The computer should have at least 8GB Ram and an OpenGL 3.2 compatible graphics card with 1280×1024 resolution or better. Dot-Net v4.7.2 must be installed. The software occupies approx. 150MB space on the hard disk. Own data, maps, online caches etc. are located in the folder Public Documents\QVX-Data on disc C: and this can quickly grow to several GB. Basically we recommend an SSD as a drive.
On Apple desktop computers and notebooks QVX runs from macOS 10.9 (Mavericks).
The new map engine is based on OpenGL 3.2 and Shading language version 1.50. On current computers this is automatically available. If not, often an update of the drivers of the graphics card helps. On older computers under Windows it can happen that OpenGL 3.2 is not supported sufficiently. You can check this in advance with this tool: OpenGL Extensions Viewer. It is important that Core features version 3.2 has 100% support and Shading language at least version 1.50 is supported: